SHOCKING: Overall best Farmer in Accra Awarded With Bicycle (Watch Video)

To check the flavor of the day Farmer’s Day, ranchers the nation over are being regarded. Many are amped up for now, anticipating an extraordinary award for their persistent effort. From Reportghana, we say Thank You to all ranchers the nation over. Nonetheless…

Notably, the Overall Best Farmer for Accra Metropolitan Assembly was honored with Bicycle. He was also given a sprayer and assorted items for his hard work.

@Assoverboobs__: What’s wrong with it?
They should have just replaced the bicycle with a truck or something

@Donradikal: “The various Assemblies do organize these National programs with their own funds and by kind courtesy of some donors...We as individuals refuse to pay our market toll, Business Operation permits, building permits, and other taxes to help increase the revenue of the Assemblies..”

@Khojo_Hazard24: “They’re just not serious in life. What would he or she use that small thing for?”@twentyonetrim: “This administration is shit. You prioritize the products but you don’t appreciate the workers. Accra naa there is not farm here everyone is in suites. Yes, still the best farmer deserves extremely better than the bicycle. #FarmersFighting4Rights”



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